"Bound In An Unequally Yoked Marriage: Grace to Stay—Faith to Finish. A Spiritual Guide for Conquering Spiritual Disparities " is your guide to overcoming challenges and finding God's peace and fulfillment in your spiritually mismatched marriage. This practical guide offers:

  • Biblical Wisdom: Use scripture to strengthen your resolve and deepen your understanding of God's plan for your marriage.

  • Actionable Advice: Discover practical steps to honor your commitment to God and your spouse, even when spiritual beliefs differ.

  • A Personal Journey: Read the author's heartfelt story of navigating the complexities of an unequally yoked marriage and finding strength and faith.

  • Encouragement and Support: Find the grace to stay the course and the faith to finish your journey, regardless of the obstacles.

Whether your marriage journey concludes with “till death do us part or with your unbeliever breaking the covenant, thus setting you free, this book will empower you to navigate the complexities with grace and faith. Embrace the peace that comes from doing it in God’s way.



  • The Change

    Several days before experiencing The Change, my moment of divine intervention, I was deeply immersed in thoughts about life and God. During this reflective period, I engaged in open and honest dialogues with God about various aspects of my life. “Despite asking You into my heart a lot, my life has remained the same. I believe Jesus died for my sins, and You raised Him from the dead. I want to serve You, but the things of the world got a hold on me. I enjoy sinning. I like getting high. Drinking makes me feel good. I enjoy watching pornography, partying, and having sex with my live-in boyfriend. I don’t fear You, and I don’t fear death. But if You are real, please manifest Yourself to me.” I rose from my knees, got my Bible, sat in bed, and began reading.

  • Grave Mistake

    After marrying CW, I was jolted by a profound realization: our union was a mistake. This epiphany was a harsh wake-up call, a slap in the face. The man I deeply loved appeared transformed. His patience thinned, mainly when I spoke of my faith in Jesus Christ. His words, 'It doesn't take all that; you think you are better than others,' echoed in my mind, starkly contrasting my sincere desire to share God's word. But upon reflection, I understood that it was I who had changed. My rebirth into faith infused me with a divine enthusiasm and an eagerness to share Jesus's teachings and live a life honoring God's holiness. Unfortunately, CW did not share this spiritual zeal, creating a rift in our relationship.

  • Understanding God's Mariage Plan

    After rejuvenating my faith, I was drawn to sit at Jesus' feet and bask in His teachings daily, especially once I committed to walking His path. My aspirations were for CW to embrace Christianity and live happily ever after. I wholeheartedly adopted the role of a devoted wife, nurturing the hope that CW would mirror my gestures of love. Yet, seeking warmth and tenderness from him outside intimate moments felt akin to attempting to extract a tooth barehanded.